About me
About me
Hello! I'm Adriana, a London based Frontend developer
Previously a sales person, now turned web developer , making websites better,prettier , one line of code at a time. What started as a hobby or as a play if you want, shortly became really serious. Back in 2020 I discovered my passion for web development, besides the passion for online gaming(these two do go well hand-in-hand).
While I was still working, I started to learn computer programming, Javascript, with freeCodeCamp and a few Udemy courses.
I've then discovered React. My Reaction was I needed to wrap my head around React Hooks , React-Redux and React Context so that today, I am able to write reusable components and so much more(just to keep it short!)
Understanding the cool things I can build with CSS or SASS, I started experimenting with various libraries such as Styled Components or Material UI, and got really interested in web animations(Not an easy one, I tell yah!).
Because I like new, innovative things, I’ve built this website, not your usual experience, just a heads up!
Today, a self-taught Frontend Developer,with sales and Marketing background, using Javascript, React and various libraries that leverage unique techniques, I develop web applications and websites from the ground up. That I can prove!
Don’t be a stranger, if you have something to say or need (website or an app), just drop me a line in the Contact section!
My projects
My projects
Some of my projects
Drum Machine
Javascript|React|Material UI|ReduxSimply Recipes
Contentful|React|GatsbyPersonal website
Gatsby|React|Styled components|Contentful